This is the entry point to the first data release (PDR-1) of the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS).

The PDR-1 includes spectroscopic measurements for 57204 objects, together with the survey masks and weights and photometric ancillary information from the CFHTLS. 54756 of these objects are galaxies or AGN, 2448 are stars. Details on the data and how to use them can be found in Garilli et al. (2014) and Guzzo et al. (2014)


Catalogues are provided through:

  • An easy-to-use Web interface, providing a fully querable system, accessible at this LINK (free registration required).
  • Single tar files, available from this page along with the mask files characterising the survey selection function.

The following tables contain the the PDR-1 spectroscopic catalogues, separately for the two VIPERS fields (W1 and W4). Catalogues are provided as gzipped files and stored in three formats: simple tab separated ASCII table, FITS binary tables and IVOA VOTable. The columns description is shared by W1 and W4 catalogs and can be downloaded at this LINK.

The following tables contain the the parent photometric catalogues, separately for the two VIPERS field (W1 and W4). Catalogues are provided as gzipped files and stored in three formats: simple tab-separated ASCII table, FITS binary tables and IVOA VOTable. The columns description is shared by W1 and W4 catalogs and can be downloaded at this LINK.

VIPERS spectral templates download

Here you can download the complete set of 1D and 2D spectra in FITS format (compressed in tar.gz files).

W1 field download(290 MB) download(2.2 GB)
W4 field download(292 MB) download(2.2 GB)

The following table provides the photometric and spectroscopic masks for W1 and W4 fields along with the measurements of the angular target sampling rate TSR(Q) and angular spectroscopic sampling rate SSR(Q) for each observed VIMOS quadrant.

Click on the plots for an enlarged version.

Plot Description Download

W1 and W4 photometric mask files DS9 regions

W1 and W4 spectroscopic mask files DS9 regions
W1 and W4 angular target sampling rate - TSR(Q) ASCII table
W1 and W4 angular spectroscopic sampling rate - SSR(Q) ASCII table

Contact address

Acknowledging VIPERS

We kindly request all papers using VIPERS data to add the following text to their acknowledgment section: This paper uses data from the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS). VIPERS has been performed using the ESO Very Large Telescope, under the "Large Programme" 182.A-0886. The participating institutions and funding agencies are listed at

Webmaster: Paolo Franzetti  - Web Design: Fabio Guzzo