Photometric data for the VIPERS area.

Photometric date sources are;
1) the CFHTLS T0005 release, limited to apparent magnitude i(AB) < 22.5 (after correction for Galactic extinction)
2) the VIPERS Multi-Lambda Survey based on the CFHTLS T0007 release, and matched with the T0005 catalogue.
For further details please refer to the VIPERS survey description paper Guzzo et al. 2014, to the PDR-1 presentation paper Garilli et al. 2014 and to the PDR-2 presentation paper Scodeggio et al. 2016

id_IAU and num VIPERS object name, according to IAU standards. The name is composed of the prefix VIPERS plus the internal identification number. The internal id number (num) is in the form
    a identifies the sky area (1 for W1 and 4 for W4),
    tt identifies the CFHTLS tile number where the object is located,
    xxxxxx is the original CFHTLS ID within the tile.
The correspondence between our tile identifier and the official CFHTLS tile name is provided in Guzzo et al. 2014
alpha and delta J2000 equatorial coordinates in degrees
selmag and errselmag i_AB selection magnitude and error. The selection magnitude comes from CFHTLS T0005 catalogue

CFHTLS T0005 magnitudes
and errors
Magnitudes from the CFHTLS T0005 catalogue, supplemented by T0006 catalogue in some specific cases. See Guzzo et al. 2014, section 3 and appendix C, for details on the tile to tile color offests, as well as for T0005 and T0006 catalogue differences.
All magnitudes are given in the AB system, and are corrected for Galactic extinction as follows
    u = u_raw - 4.716 * E(B-V)
    g = g_raw - 3.654 * E(B-V)
    r = r_raw - 2.691 * E(B-V)
    i = i_raw - 1.998 * E(B-V)
    z = z_raw - 1.530 * E(B-V)
where E(B-V) is the extinction factor (color excess).
When an object has not been observed in a given band, magnitude and error are set equal to -99. When a magnitude (and its error) could not be measured, these values are set to 99.
K_video (only for W1),Ks
errK_video (only for W1),errKs

VIPERS Multi-Lambda Survey magnitudes and errors
Magnitudes from the VIPERS Multi-Lambda Survey
Magnitudes u,g,r,i,iy,z are derived from the CFHTLS T0007 release; magnitudes FUV and NUV are from GALEX; magnitude Ks is from WIRCAM data; magnitude K_video (only for W1) is from the VIDEO VISTA survey. For details and the full photometric catalog see the VIPERS Multi-Lambda Survey web site and Moutard et al. 2016a.
  • These are isophotal aperture magnitudes corrected to a pseudo-total magnitude value using an aperture correction obtained for each object by averaging the individual aperture corrections estimated for the g,r,i and K bands
  • All magnitudes are corrected for Galactic extinction using the same prescription as the one used for the T0005 ones.
  • When an object has not been observed in a given band, magnitude and error are set equal to -99.
  • When a magnitude (and its error) could not be measured, these values are set to 99.
  • Objects observed in i band, have y magniudes set to -99.99.
  • Objects observed in y band instead of i band, have i magniudes set to -99.99.

Details on VIPERS Multi-Lambda - T0005 matching
Object matching was carried out using a 0.6 arcsec search radius. Approximately 97% of the objects in T0005 have a unique match in the Multi-Lambda catalog within the search radius.

For the few object for which no match has been found, the CFHTLS T0007 magnitudes have been derived from T0005 in the following way
  • For each tile and each filter, using all matched objects with 18.0 <selmag <21 a median T0007 to T0005 offset has been computed
  • T0007-like magnitudes are obtained by applying the offest to T0005 magnitudes
  • Magnitude uncertainties are the original T0005 values.

Details on i vs. y filter
In 7 tiles, the T0007 i-band data were taken with a modified i filter, called y filter in the Terapix documentation. For these objects the i-band magnitude (i_T07) is set equal to -99.99, and the y magnitude is provided (iy_T07).

For the objects in these tiles that do not have a matching counterpart in the T0007 data, a T0007-like y magnitude has been computed starting from the T0005 data as

    y(T0007) = i(T0005) + Delta(i,y) + slope * g(T0005)-i(T0005)

where Delta(i,y) and slope have been derived tile by tile fitting with the above relation all matched objects with
    18.0 <selmag <22.5
    0 <g-i <3.5
id_T07 Object ID in the VIPERS Multi-Lambda catalog. Objects not matched to a T0005 counterpart have this ID set to -1.
DeltaUG, DeltaGR, DeltaRI tile to tile color terms Tile-to-tile colors offsets used in the targets sample selection applied to the CFHTLS T005 data (see Guzzo et al. 2014, section 3.1). For both galaxy and AGN selection, the colors used to assign classFlag can be obtained by applying the following corrections to the colors derived from the magnitudes listed in the database:
    u-gcorr = u-g - DeltaUG
    g-rcorr = g-r - DeltaGR
    r-icorr = r-i - DeltaRI

ebv extinction factor (color excess) E(B-V) derived from Schlegel's maps
r2 radius enclosing half the object light as from CFHTLS T0005 catalogue, measured in pixels
r2_T07 radius enclosing half the object light as from CFHTLS T0007 catalogue, measured in pixels
classFlag The VIPERS galaxy target selection flag, based on the CFHTLS T005 catalogue, where

1: VIPERS main galaxy target, i.e. galaxy with colors compatible with z > 0.5, according to the color criteria described in Guzzo et al. 2014

0: galaxy with colors compatible with z < 0.5, according to the color criteria described in Guzzo et al. 2014

-1: stellar like object according to the VIPERS star/galaxy separation criteria

-2: magnitude i > 22.5

-3: magnitude i < 17.5

-88: problematic object, possibly saturated image

-99: problematic object, missing photometric data

photoMask Flag indicating whether the object falls within the photometric mask. 1 if the object is inside the mask, 0 if it is outside. Objects outside the photometric mask have a less reliable photometry
spectroMask Flag indicating whether the object falls within the spectroscopic mask. 1 if the object is inside the mask, 0 if it is outside. Objects outside the spectroscopic mask have not entered the mask preparation phase (see Garilli et al. 2014 for details)